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  • vermaanjana08

Lose Weight Without Hunger Feelings

You remember for sure how your parents advised you to eat more fruits and vegetables. They did it to keep you healthy as fruits and vegetables contain no cholesterol and are reach with cellulose and vitamins. They contribute to blood pressure stabilization, decrease risk of oncological diseases and diabetes. Moreover fruits and vegetables help you to get rid of excess weight.

All who want to struggle with excess weight and obesity also want to eat as much food as they want and to keep good form in the same time. The most amazing thing is that it's possible. All is in choice off foodstuffs that can help you to feel hunger and to lose weight in the same time.

Fruit diet may become excellent method to loose excess weight. Using this diet you get more fruits in any form - fresh, caned, dried, quick-frozen.

Look how you can get more fruits in your daily food allowance. If you used to add to cup of coffee a peace of cake in café let's do it this way. Take a look on fruit desserts instead of cake. In any case they have fewer calories. No doubt.

During whole day have at hand apples and other fresh fruits. Have them as a snack if you want to eat something. Interesting thing is that even apple stones are not useless. There is much iodine in them that is needed for thyroid gland. After that you will not attack food table so fiercely when lunch begins. It is a way to control your food allowance.

If one nice evening you feel strong desire to get an ice cream let's take quick-frozen fruits and give a treat to yourself with this dainty. Believe me it is a worth substitute.

Let's try to bring good habits in our life. Good habits will little by little force out bad habits. If you used to have a snack with a sandwich during your working day than take grapefruit together with sandwich. First get grapefruit, may be after it your intention to eat sandwich will disappear? To make this change less painful take sandwiches with you first days. But if you will have no desire to eat them give sandwiches to your colleagues. After a month this good habit to have grapefruit instead of sandwich become firm and you will need no sandwiches for a snack.

Make your breakfast a real delicacy. This delicacy can be yoghurt with bits of fruits, curd with fruits, muesli with fruits and fresh fruit juice.

Don't refuse yourself in baking. But let it be from curd and fruits and almost without sugar. Let bowl with fresh fruits will be always on your table. When feel of hunger arise in you let your hand stretches to it instead of fridge.

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